Journal of NAIITS Volume 6 - 2008 - For Institutions
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Special Edition: Retrospective
These articles have been selected from the five previous issues, 2003 to 2007, of the Journal of North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies: NAIITS. Each issue is rooted in a NAIITS missiological/theological symposium. The articles have been chosen to reflect the breadth, mission and ethos of NAIITS. The first article, by Jeanine LeBlanc, is new to this issue.
1. “Ohia, Monte, 1945-2008.” 2008. p., v.
2. LeBlanc, Jeanine Lowe. “Walking ‘The Good Red Road’: NAIITS, the Obstacles It Faces and How They Are Being Overcome.” pp., 5–20.
3. Jacobs, Adrian, Richard Twiss, and Terry LeBlanc. “Culture, Christian Faith And Error: Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 1, 2003.” pp., 21–57.
4. Hayward, Douglas James. “Foundations For Critical Contextualization: Preliminary Considerations for Doing Contextualization among First Nations Christians. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 1, 2003.” pp., 59–77.
5. Aldred, Ray. “The Resurrection Of Story: Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 2, 2004.” pp., 79–89.
6. Dyck, Jonathan, and Cornelius A Buller. “Mapping The Land: Toward an Aboriginal Biblical Theology of Land. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 2, 2004.” pp., 91–108.
7. Tiénou, Tite. “Indigenous Theologizing: From the Margins to the Center. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 3, 2005.” pp., 109–24.
8. Peterson, Wendy Beauchemin. “Of Steeples & Stories: A Selective Overview of Mission Contact with Aboriginal Peoples of Canada. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 4, 2006.” pp., 125–58.
9. Jacobs, Adrian. “A History Of Slaughter: Embracing Our Martyrdom on the Margins of Encounter. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 4, 2006.” pp., 159–72.
10. McDonald, Mark. “The Gospel Comes To North America: Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 4, 2006.” pp., 173–82.
11. Gefen, Gavriel. “Re-Contextualization: Restoring the Biblical Message to a Jewish Israeli Context. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 4, 2006.” pp., 183–204.
12. Johnson, Dean, Ivan Wells, and Victoria Wells. “Missional Community: Fifth Draft. Reprinted from NAIITS Journal Volume 5, 2007.” pp., 205–34.

Intended Audience: Academic
Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 15x23 cm
Language(s) of Publication: English
Print Format: Standard Print