Journal of NAIITS Volume 5 - 2007 - For Institutions
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Redemption, Reconciliation, and Restoration: Journeys Toward Wholeness
Our theme in this issue of the NAIITS Journal is for Native North American peoples and those others who have come here and entered into treaty with us. We dare not buy into the popular notions of reconciliation that are divorced from past behaviour, focused only on some as yet unknown eschatological future. Those lead to self-centered ideas of redemption and relationship and, they lead once again to spiritual abuse or missional arrogance. Biblical reconciliation and restoration – true redemption – promises life to the full.
1. Amjad-Ali, Charles. “Redemption, Reconciliation, Restoration: Journeys Toward Wholeness.” pp., 5–17.
2. Willemsen, Gerard F. “The Road Of Reconciliation In Sweden: Meeting the Sámi in Their Own Culture.” pp., 19–28.
3. Bird, David. “He Must Increase.” pp., 29–43.
4. Francis, Robert. “Colonization: Weapons, Gifts, Diseases and Medicine.” pp., 45–57.
5. Johnson, Dean, Ivan Wells, and Victoria Wells. “Missional Community.” pp., 59–88.
6. Smith, Andrea. “Boarding School Healing Project.” pp., 89–100.
7. Levesque, Liz. “A Native Christian Matriarchal View Of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Review of Romans 5:6-8.” pp., 103–12.
8. Annotated Bibliography: Jesuits and Indigenous Relations: 1540-1770.” pp., 115–35.

Intended Audience: Academic
Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 15x23 cm
Language(s) of Publication: English
Print Format: Standard Print