Journal of NAIITS Volume 4 - 2006 PDF
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Historical Efforts to Contextualize the Gospel: Perspectives and Practices
In this issue we explore several historical efforts at contextual theology, missiology and the practice of church. On the one hand we have Damian Costello’s challenging re-interpretation of Nicholas Black Elk’s contextualization of the Christian Gospel in Catholic form, offering a new and refreshing perspective of the conversion of Black Elk. In the presentation of Adrian Jacobs, a piece in which we feel deeply the impact of life lived in the aftermath of cultural loss, community displacement and social devastation, we are confronted with the real effect of non- contextualization of the gospel.
1. Gefen, Gavriel. “Re-Contextualization: Restoring the Biblical Message to a Jewish Israeli Context.” pp., 5–27.
2. Costello, Damien. “Black Elk Speaks.” pp., 29–56.
3. Peterson, Wendy Beauchemin. “Of Steeples & Stories: A Selective Overview of Mission Contact with Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.” pp., 57–91.
4. Woodley, Randy. “A View Of The Native North American Contextual Movement And Its Undecided Future.” pp., 93–114.
5. Jacobs, Adrian. “A History Of Slaughter: Embracing Our Martyrdom on the Margins of Encounter.” pp., 115–28.
6. McDonald, Mark. “The Gospel Comes to North America.” pp., 129–38.
7. West, Russell W. “Professor Whiteowl, This Schoolroom Hurts: Contextualization of the Indigenous Leadership Formation.” pp., 139–61.
8. Gefen, Gavriel. “The Indigenous Expressions of Biblical Faith.” pp., 165–83.

Intended Audience: Academic
Binding Type / Cover Material: eBook
Language(s) of Publication: English