Journal of NAIITS Volume 20 - 2024 - FOR INSTITUTIONS
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Indigenous in the City
This 20th volume of the NAIITS journal continues to offer a wealth of insight and perspective, reflecting some of the best of the global Indigenous community. Enjoy within these pages, a wealth of rich reflection and discernment as we explore the question, “What does it mean to be both Indigenous and an urban dweller?”
1. Bergquist-Turori , Melodie. Our Sea of City Streets
2. Skene, David. Wisahkotewinowak: Land-Based Relationships in the City
3. Notah, Beyaja. Dawn Child Comes of Age in the City
4. Nieviadomy, Michelle. The Matriarch in the City
5. Bantu, Vince L. The Heart of the City
6. Ⲡⲓϯⲣⲏ Ⲙⲓϧⲁⲏⲗ, Michail, Pitiree (Gift of the Sun). Language Revitalisation in the City
7. Stuurman, Jo. How Can Identity, Faith, and Culture Come into Singularity within the Urban Context?
8. Calabrese, Joel. The Land as Urban Witness
9. Decontie, Jeff. Indigenous Theological Education in a Secular Age
10. Reimer, Andy M. To Remember is Divine
11. Nicholson, Rangi. Treaty of Waitangi, Anglican Church, and Aotearoa New Zealand

Intended Audience: Academic
Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 15x23 cm
Language(s) of Publication: English
Page Count: 210
Print Format: Standard Print