Healing Life Wounds: Restoring Communities After Mass Violence

SKU: 701TAP010 ISBN: 9781990103063

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Edited by Regine Uwibereyeho King, Masengesho Kamuzinzi & Simon Gasibirege.

This book represents one of Africa (Rwanda)'s unique contributions to peace building and will transform how we think about healing from trauma. With insightful stories of deep wisdom, tenacity and conviction toward the restoration of human souls, this book is for anybody working in communities that are wounded by vicious mass violence and trauma. The authors present a transformative process that allows communities and individuals impacted by trauma to “heal together” – a model where both victims and perpetrators sit together to reimagine their future through dialogue that includes storytelling, grieving, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Paperback; 15x23 cm;  186 pages

Also available in EPUB format.


Intended Audience: Academic|General

Carton Quantity: 42 copies

Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback

Book Dimensions: 15x23 cm

Language(s) of Publication: English

Page Count: 186