Alabaster - On Beauty and Faith: Exploring Beauty and its Implications for our lives

SKU: 701001106 ISBN: 9781952357046

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What is beauty?

As we encounter and discover God, we are inevitably led to further unpack our sense of beauty and its meaning for our faith-lives. As a culture, we often describe God as true and good. We use beauty less often—and we struggle to articulate the intuitive relationship between it and the things of God: calling, spirituality, mission, and more. 

This book is designed to bridge the gap. Through the story of Mark 14:1-11, The Story of the Woman with the Alabaster Jar, this book explores beauty and its profound implications for our lives.

Chapters include:

1. On Beauty and Art

2. On Beauty and Identity

3. On Beauty and Generosity

4. On Beauty and Vulnerability

5. On Beauty and Mystery

6. On Beauty and Justice

7. On Beauty and Changing the World

Paperback; 19x24 cm; 160 pages;

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Intended Audience: General

Carton Quantity: 34 copies

Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback

Book Dimensions: 16.5x21.5 cm

Language(s) of Publication: English

Page Count: 160