N'aie pas peur - collection 1 (Livrets 1-6)
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"Fear Not" series is a set of 6 chapters about an average boy named Samuel who, upon encountering Jesus, is thrust into an adventure to bring a message of hope to lost people across the land of the Desolate. As Samuel is equipped with the Word of God and the Shield of Faith, he must overcome his fears, battle his old ways, and ultimately learn to trust in God's power as he fights against the powers of evil. This series is suitable for children 8-12 years old.
Paperback; 17x26 cm; 0.4 kg; Chapter 1: 26 pages, Chapters 2-6: 22 pages
Vous pouvez feuilleter le chapitre 1 en cliquant ici.
For more information, visit fearnot.ca

Intended Audience: Children
Carton Quantity: 35 sets
Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 17x26 cm
Illustrations: Yes
Language(s) of Publication: French
Weight: 0.400 kg
Mes enfants ont adoré lire ces bd. Le sujet de la peur, l’anxiété, le courage et la foi est très pertinent pour les enfants. Je compte construire un curriculum d’enseignement pour le ministère des enfants (éducation chrétienne aux enfants) autour ce chacun des 12 livrets.