Good News New Testament

SKU: 201021006 ISBN: 9780888341600

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With Imprimatur.

Improved Quality! This New Testament is now available in a totally new look with quality white paper in a very readable text; Single column text; Chapter and section headings; Annie Vallotton line drawings; Word list; Subject index; Maps; Includes Annie Vallotton line drawings.

Paperback; 11x18 cm; 704 pages; 0.25 kg


Intended Audience: General

Catholic / Deuterocanonical Books: Yes

Carton Quantity: 24 copies

Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback

Book Dimensions:  11x18 cm

Page Count: 704

Section Headings: Yes

Maps: Yes

Print Format: Standard Print

Language(s) of Publication: English

Version(s): Good News Translation

Weight: 0.250 kg