Journal of NAIITS Volume 13 - 2015 - For Institutions
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Theologies of Reconciliation: Les Sauvages et Le Sophistique
THESE thought provoking discussions on reconciliation and forgiveness are NAIITS’ contribution to the final days of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission which so painfully and publicly exposed the government and church sponsored Residential Schools' attempts at cultural genocide in Canada. The intent of these schools parallel the Boarding School era in the USA - an era still not addressed there by the US government or church community with nearly the same level of authenticity or impact.
IN all, this journal is one of the best yet, containing robust discussion, significant personal testimonial, and alternative theological perspectives, built upon a strong commitment from its presenters to seek after the Creator of all things who is the reconciler of all of Creation.
1. Jacobs, Adrian. “I Am Not Your Noble Savage.” pp., 9–24.
2. Vickers, Patricia J. “Story And Truth: Christ and the Ayaawx (Ts’msyen Ancestral Law).” pp., 25–33.
3. Harkrider, Melissa Franklin. “ᎢᎦᏤᓕᎦ: We Belong To One Another: Reconciliation in Cherokee Hymns and Worship.” pp., 35–50.
4. Cotecson, Sherelle, and Matt LeBlanc. “Forgiveness And Reconciliation: A Community Process.” pp., 51–62.
5. Lavesseur, Marc. “Redemption Through Reconciliation Pathway: Soteriology from a First Nations Perspective.” pp., 63–118.
6. Robbins, Anna. “No Reconciliation Without Repentance: Accepting Collective Responsibility for Historical Sin.” pp., 119–34.
7. Pretchuk, Annika. “Logic Is A Battering Ram: One Girl’s Journey of Awakening.” pp., 135–41.
8. Kampen, Melanie. “The Politics of Repentance and the Risk of Reconciliation.” pp., 143–52.
9. Hughes, Thomas. “Calling Euro-Americans to Tear Down Their Internal Forts.” pp., 153–64.

Intended Audience: Academic
Binding Type / Cover Material: Paperback
Book Dimensions: 15x23 cm
Language(s) of Publication: English
Print Format: Standard Print